Massage Modalities

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Swedish Massage

Swedish massage offers many benefits to our physical and emotional health and can be used in sessions lasting between 30 and 90 minutes.

Swedish massage is the traditional European massage. European massages, use the western systems of anatomy and physiology.

It was developed by Henryk Ling in 1830 in Sweden. At the end of the last century, Swedish massage was introduced in the USA and has become very popular all over the world.

Benefits of Swedish Massage

  • Helps deep muscle relaxation

  • Improves circulation

  • Relieves pain due to muscle tension, dislocations, sciatica, and hard joints.

  • It helps to recover faster in case of mistreatment of muscle tissues.

  • Stimulates the skin

  • Relaxes and calms the nerves

  • Helps in cases of irritation and anxiety

  • Reduces stress